My Child's Progress
Ongoing, clear, and meaningful communication between families, their children, and the Kindergarten educator team is vital to your child’s growth in learning. BGCDSB carefully monitors and formally communicates the progress of Kindergarten students three times over the course of the school year through an Initial Observations Report in the fall, and Communication of Learning Reports in the winter and spring.
Young children reveal their understanding in what they say, what they do, and what they represent. Educators observe, listen, and ask probing questions in order to document and interpret children’s thinking and learning. This evidence of learning is analyzed and interpreted by educators in collaboration with children and their families to gain insights into the children’s learning paths and processes to determine the next steps in the child’s learning (The Kindergarten Program, 2016, MOE).
For a better understanding of these reports access the Ontario Ministry of Education’s A Parent’s Guide to Kindergarten Communication of Learning: Initial Observations and the Kindergarten Communication of Learning.