Catholic Education
Within our Catholic schools we are called through religious and family life instruction, as well as through a distinctively Catholic curriculum in all areas of learning, to form young people with a dynamic, personal faith, which will empower them to liberate and transform the culture with the life-giving message of the gospel.
The following statement proclaimed by the Ontario Catholic Bishops in 1989, describes the vocation to which we are called within Catholic schools:
* In a world which ignores the human thirst for God,
we are called to share the living waters of our faith.
* In a time when there is little reverence for the image of God in the human person,
we are summoned to care for human life with an ultimate respect.
* In a culture where communication is increasingly commercialized,
we are invited to prayer and to worship.
* In a world marked by poverty, oppression and war,
we are commanded to work for justice and peace.
* In a society marked by personality cults,
we are called to bear witness to Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord,
and to reverence him in the poor, the lowly, and the marginalized.
* In a time which often seems to be without goals or ennobling aspirations,
we are challenged to declare ours and to dedicate our lives to their achievement.
* In an age which seems more fearful of the future,
we are directed to give an account of the hope that is within us. (1 Peter 3.15)
Taken from "This Moment of Promise"
A Pastoral Letter on Catholic Education in Ontario
Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops1989
High School Chaplains
Mary Skiba
Owen Sound
Sacramental Guidelines
Diocese of Hamilton SACRAMENTAL GUIDELINES for The Initiation of Children:
Catholic Graduate Expectations
The graduate is expected to be:
A Discerning Believer Formed in the Catholic Faith Community
• I believe that it is important for me to share God’s story with others through how I live
• I believe that God journeys with me through life, sustaining me through all things, especially when I might falter or fail
• I’m a believer. I will live my life like Jesus
An Effective Communicator
• I believe that what I say and how I say it matters
• I believe that the Gospels have important lessons for how I speak and listen to others
• I have a voice
A Reflective, Creative and Holistic Thinker
• I believe that the contributions I have to make to society, big or small, do make a difference
• I believe that why I do things is just as important as what I do
• I believe that what I learn in school helps me to become a better person. It teaches me the skills, values and insights to build a more just and compassionate society
A Self-Directed, Responsible, Lifelong Learner
• I believe that it is important for me to remain flexible in how I learn and in the goals I set for myself
• I believe that when I exercise responsible leadership I can set a positive example for others
• I believe that it is important for me to live a healthy and balanced life
A Collaborative Contributor
• I believe that I have a responsibility to develop my own gifts for the benefit of others
• I believe that it is important to set goals in life and work towards them for the good of all
• I believe that God has given each of us unique gifts and calls each of us to use them for the benefit of others and God’s greater glory
A Caring Family Member
• I believe that through prayer our family stays connected to God and each other
• I believe that school, because it’s like a second home, is a place for me to show how much I care for my fellow students
• I believe that the family, in all its shapes and sizes, is where we learn best to serve others and understand we can contribute to a better world
A Responsible Citizen
• I believe that I am called to be a witness to my students and staff, not only by what I say, but by how I try to live my life, demonstrating a commitment to social justice and respect for all persons
• I believe that I am accountable for my actions and that I can learn from my mistakes, and when I fall short, I’m still a good person
• I believe that our Catholic faith grounds us in our efforts to serve, morally and effectively, for the greater good
“When we graduate a student,
we don’t ask ‘what did you learn,’
but ‘who did you become?’”
Sister Clare Fitzgerald
Catholic Culture of Deep Caring