Parents & Community » Formosa Before & After School Program

Formosa Before & After School Program

before and after school program. south bruce municipality logo
BGCDSB and the Municipality of South Bruce are hosting a Before & After School program in Formosa at École Immaculée-Conception. Students will get the chance to participate in a variety of activities including outdoor play, STEM activities, sports, drama and more! 
South Bruce Before and After Care program view each child as competent, capable, curious and rich in potential. Each child’s learning and development will be supported with planned positive learning environments. This document is a tool for developing the programs and services. Programs incorporate opportunities for indoor and outdoor play.
The program begins January 8th, 2024. If you are interested, please complete the registration package found below and submit it to the office at École Immaculée-Conception before Friday October 27, 2023.
The program is dependent on registration numbers. Program acceptance notices will be received by family’s no later than November 1.

The South Bruce Recreation before & after school program is an Authorized Recreation and Skill Building Program, and not licensed therefore families are not eligible for CWELCC  (Canade Wide Early Learning and Child Care) fee reduction. Applying for Child Care Fee subsidy is available

You can find the Parent Handbook and the Registration Package below.