Welcome to the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board registration page, where we are excited to help you enroll your child in one of our exceptional schools. We believe that every child deserves a high-quality Catholic education that empowers them to reach their full potential, and we are committed to providing that education to students from all backgrounds and beliefs.
We offer both online and in-person registration options to make the enrollment process as easy and convenient as possible for parents. Our online registration process is quick and straightforward, and can be completed from the comfort of your own home.
For parents who prefer to register in person, our schools are open and our friendly staff are ready to help. We would love to hear from you by phone, email, or a visit in-person.
Registering for Secondary School? Please email or call the school directly for assistance.
How Do I Know Which School To Register For?
Click on the School Finder button below and enter your address to find out which schools are in your area.
How To Register Online
- Click I am a parent/guardian registering my child
- Fill in the information
- You will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in that email to activate your account and create a password
- Visit the Aspen website again and login using your email and password
- The registration portal does not work well on mobile devices. It is recommended to use a laptop or computer for this process
- If you require help, please contact your school and we would love to assist you.
- If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact [email protected]+

If you require assistance, please contact the school you are registering at and our school staff will reach out to the Support Team on your behalf. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please email [email protected]
**Please note that parent accounts cannot be created on a mobile device (including Chromebooks). Once an account is created on a deskptop or laptop, a student can be regsistered from a mobile device*
What Happens Next
- The school will receive your child’s registration
- To finalize your registration, please bring the following documentation to your selected school.
- Proof of Birth (Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport, birth registration)
- Proof of Residence (document with physical address on it, utility bill, tax bill, etc.)
- Baptism Certificate of the child or parent/guardian, if applicable
- Court documents for Custody/Access, if applicable
- Proof of Catholic School Support by showing your Ontario Property Assessment Notice (final tax bill clearly indicating “English-Separate” or “French-Separate”). If this cannot be provided, please click on the link for more information on Catholic School Tax Support
- Immigration documents, if applicable
- For JK or SK registrations, the completed Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board’s Getting To Know You form
- If transferring from a previous school, outside of Ontario, please bring any former school documents such as recent report card(s), student transcript or school leaving certificate
- Submit your child’s record of immunization to Grey Bruce Health
- Once your child’s registration has been completed at the school, you will receive a confirmation email
- If you are a currently enrolled BGCDSB grade 8 student, you do not need to register if continuing your studies at one of our Secondary schools.
Registration & Transportation Forms
High School Transition Guide