FAQ for eLeaning Summer School
If you are unable to attend the orientation on the specified date, you must notify your orientation teacher, Mrs. Boerkamp, of your absence ([email protected]).
If you are unable to attend the face-to-face session, you will need to complete the orientation course via the online module. It is highly recommended that you attend the face-to-face session, as it will allow you to get started in your course right away and have all your questions and concerns answered in person.
Teachers do not set a specific time for login. You just need to log in every school day (Monday-Friday) and complete a certain amount of work by the date set out by your teacher. Expect to spend 5-7 hours per day on a full credit course. Missing one day of eLearning Summer School is like missing an entire week of class during the regular school year.
3. How many eLearning Summer School courses can I take?
You can take ONE full credit course per session during eLearning Summer School. That means a maximum of one full-credit course in Session 1 (July) and one full-credit course in Session 2 (August). With the exception of Civics and Careers, all other courses are counted as ONE full credit. **Please note, we only offer one course at BGCDSB however, other courses are available throughout the province. Please speak to your school’s Guidance Counsellor for more information.
While 2 courses are the allowable summer maximum, we recommend that you take only 1 course in the summer so you'll have some time to enjoy your vacation.
4. Can I take a face-to-face (F2F) course and an eLearning Summer School course at the same time?
No. Just in case this wasn't clear enough we'll say it again: you can't take face-to-face summer school and an e-Learning course at the same time.
Taking a full credit course online is like going to school FULL TIME! You're taking a full high school credit in only 4 weeks. That's 110 hours of instruction in only 20 days. That's 5.5 hours of school per day plus major assignments and studying for tests and exams. Do the math!
Well, actually, you don't have to do the math because we just did!
Yes! Civics and Careers are half-credit courses; two of them together equal one full credit course. They run for the full length of each session and you can take them both at the same time.
No. Civics and Careers will be 2 separate courses in the Virtual Learning Environment.
7. I've submitted my course request with the school’s Guidance Counsellor’s, is there anything else I have to do?
Yes! Ensure that your guidance counselor has approved your course request in order to complete your registration. If you're under 18, get this form signed and take it to your guidance counselor. So hustle in and see your guidance counselor as soon as you can and have your eLearning Summer School course request approved. Don't wait!
While we hope as many students as possible will be successful in eLearning Summer School, you have to do what you have to do. Keep in mind that if you drop a grade 11 or 12 courses after the Full Disclosure date the mark will appear on your permanent transcript. If you intend to drop, do so before the Full Disclosure date!
Yes, if you have the internet where you're going and you can commit to working on your course for 5-7 hours per day. As long as students make a full commitment to fulfilling the course requirements and meeting the teacher’s expectations in terms of completing and submitting assignments on time, participating in assigned activities, and attending face to face exams at a central location, students could use their own discretion to travel.
Don't go to the cottage and complain to your teacher that you missed half the course because you couldn't get a wifi signal on the dock. You may be surrounded by the distractions of nature, but you still have to put in a full day of work on your eLearning Summer School course every day.
The same goes for foreign travel. If you're visiting your grandmother in Amsterdam make sure her apartment has internet access before you go. You’ve signed up for an online course; it’s your responsibility to ensure you have internet access throughout the duration of your eLearning Summer School session.
10. I won't be able to attend the final face-to-face (F2F) exam. What are my options?
You will have to arrange for a proctor for your final exam.
That's someone (not a family member) who is a member of an educational organization (professor, instructor, principal, librarian, or teacher) who will supervise your exam outside of the Bruce-Grey area.
11. How do I log in to my online course?
Everyone logs into the virtual learning environment at https://bgcdsb.elearningontario.ca/d2l/login
Students will receive a username and a password reset link by email. You'll create your own password for the virtual learning environment. When you've logged into you'll land on your “My Home” page and you'll see a link to the specific course you're registered for this summer.
12. I forgot my password. What should I do?
You can request a password reset by emailing [email protected] or by contacting your online teacher using the contact information that they provided you.
13. How much does it cost to take an eLearning Summer School course?
Unlike most things in life, it's free. But your teacher's time and your time are valuable, so treat your course with the respect that a valuable opportunity like this deserves.
14. Does it matter if I use a Mac or a PC?
No. Desire2Learn (the platform for all BGCDSB eLearning courses) works fine on both Macs and PCs. What's more important is to always use the most recent version of your browser. The most up-to-date versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer all work with Desire2Learn.
None. No textbooks are required for your course. All content will be provided to you online through the virtual learning environment.
16. Does it matter which browser I use?
Yes. DO NOT USE Internet Explorer 8. It isn’t fully compatible. My personal suggestion is Chrome.
17. Who do I call for tech support when I run into technical issues with the virtual learning environment?
For technical help call D2L Tech Support 24/7 at 1-877-325-7778