BGCDSB is committed to providing our students with a mathematical program that focuses on fundamental mathematical concepts and skills outlined in the new 2020 Ontario Mathematics Curriculum. Some of the fundamental skills that are strengthened throughout the curriculum are:
- Effective problem solvers that can communicate mathematically
- Appreciate a variety of mathematical perspectives
- Foster a positive attitude towards learning and understanding mathematics
- Making connections between a variety of math concepts and everyday life
To learn more about the updated Gr. 1-8 mathematics curriculum, Parent information on the Ministry of Education Website
BGCDSB Essential Numeracy Practices
- Focus on the Fundamentals of Math using talks, strings, routines and games to engage students in surface and deep level learning.
- Use multiple representations/models and strategic use of manipulatives to promote deep learning.
- Use of small group instruction and discourse to target student learning needs around conceptual understanding and procedural knowledge.
- Use problem solving and/or reciprocal teaching strategies to allow for deeper learning in problem solving questions.
De-Streaming efforts in grade 9
In September 2021, the Ontario Ministry for Education committed to addressing systemic descrimination and breaking down barriers for Indigenous, Black and racialized students, students from low-income households, and students with disabilities and other students with special education needs so that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, thrive, and reach their full potential.
BGCDSB De-Streaming Implementation
Over the course of the year, we have organized a De-streaming planning committee made up of Administrators, Math Curriculum Consultant, Secondary Instructional Coaches and Math Area Chairs. Our committee has met monthly to plan Professional Development sessions focussing on curriculum content and high impact strategies. We will continue to meet with grade 9 educators to build teacher capacity around the new de-streamed curriculum.