French as a Second Language
Oui, je parle français!
The French Immersion program is an optional program offered to students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 within the Board. It is designed for children who do not speak French at home. Any parent/guardian who desires his/her child to study in French may enroll his/her child in the French Immersion program.
The Importance of Learning French
The ability to speak and understand French allows students to communicate with French-speaking people in Canada and around the world, to understand and appreciate the history and evolution of their cultures, and to develop and benefit from a competitive advantage in the workforce.
While the knowledge of any language has value, French is not only a global language but the mother tongue of many Canadians and an integral part of the Canadian identity. Learning French equips students with the ability to communicate with French-speaking Canadians and millions of French speakers around the world.
French Immersion is offered in many of our schools. To learn more about this program click here.